Wood Burning Stove Buyers Guide


General: All my wood burning stoves have been used for many years and have proven their reliability. I have listed each  tent stove's features thoroughly on their respective web page so you can compare and decide which stove meets your requirements and budget.

Tent Stove Heating Capacity: Most tent stove manufacturers state the very largest tent the stove will heat. You should consider the next larger stove model to ensure you have a warm tent especially for drying out wet clothes and boots if you plan on using a stove in the cold winter months. Be very leary of stove manufacturers listed burn times. Some wood burning stove companies exaggerate burn times 50-75%.

Cost: A wall tent stove with the same gauge of metal (thickness) should be very close in price. When comparing wall tent costs ensure you add the cost of options you want as prices for shelves, water tanks and pipes vary significantly between stove companies. Most stoves come in a standard model and a deluxe model. Deluxe models always have a water tank.

Rolled Steel, Galvanized, Titanium Stoves:
  1. Galvanized - Galvanization helps prevent rust. A wise choice when buying a lightweight stove.
  2. Titanium - More resistant to burn through and warping. Stronger than steel and weighs about 50% less.  Very expensive.
  3. Rolled Steel - Most stove models are made of rolled steel.
Weight: The more durable stoves weigh more. Heavy stoves can weigh 60-100 lbs.

Options and Standard Features you want vs features on the stove you are considering. Be aware that some stove companies only have wire mesh spark arrestors with no rain cap. While some stoves have a combined spark arrestor and rain cap, a better feature. Wire mesh spark arrestors normally clog quicker from soot and ash. Also, collapsible stoves normally do not have water tanks.
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